By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56

Today, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. It lasted about 20 seconds, and he cried during it. I later heard him telling his friends he'd given me a "damn good pounding" and "made her cum 3 times". I wish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 940
You deserved it 3 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's disappointing. On the bright side, now you can gossip to your friends about how awful it was.

Let him brag to his friends this once (embarrassing him won't help anything), but also let him know that you heard and now expect his performance to (eventually) match up to his boasts. He'll improve with some practice. ;)


Talk to him and give him lessons, from where i'm standing it seems like you are condescending him, like you loathe him now that you know he sucks at sex.

I'd be more upset by the fact that he's lying about it to his friends.

Why do people talk about their sex lives in detail to their friends? Like I understand the funny stories where you both laugh later but when they have stamina problems or insecurities? It's cool here when it's anonymous but what about gossiping to friends, guy or girl, idk seems wrong to me, being a guy.