By nekkiddrunk - 14/01/2010 02:04 - United States

Today, I locked myself, drunk and naked, out of my hotel room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 894
You deserved it 40 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's so bad about that? You were drunk and free. That's a win.

idiot i would have laugh at you and taken pictures to laugh at you later in life


jollyjam1 2

Why should anyone feel sorry for someone who isn't intelligent enough to stay away from drugs in the first place. Doubly so when use of said drugs causes the individual to do something moronic.

jollyjam1 2

Aw, are we defensive cause we're a little drug user who got their feelings hurt by my comment? And yes, for those of you who are clueless alcohol is a drug.

@jollyjam. he didn't say he was high. he said he was drunk. so i am pretty sure he wasn't drunk off of drugs.

crzyry 6

Alcohol is considered a type of drug and older people refer to being drunk as being high.

And Damn you looked hot!!! even though drunk...

LOL! well, we live and learn. Hopefully you'll be careful next time.

Nic_hole 0

Why were you naked outside the hotel room?? ha wow I bet someone took pictures

Seriously? Why were you NAKED and locked out? Was some sort of joke preluding the naked and locked out time? or are you by chance just not real bright?

Im thinking they were "all" going streaking to the quad, but only OP had the balls or was intoxicated enough to fall for it.

aintgontakitnomo 0

As a hotel security guard, I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! It's funny the first couple times but it gets old letting you idiots into your room and waiting while you drunkenly and nakedly search for your ID. Seriously, have some common sense and decency. There should be support groups for drunk naked idiots like you because trust me, you are not alone. Wait- there is AA. Maybe you should check it out. FYL.

Anne553 0

MWAHAHA HAHA AH HAHA teehee *snort* hahe

Well that good that you're out there because of the tiger in the bathroom.. Keep forgetting about that damn tiger..