By Anonymous - 20/11/2013 03:42 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I learned that no matter how much of a nerd a girl claims to be, she is not ready for you to speak Klingon during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 784
You deserved it 71 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems like nature's way of telling you that you don't quite have enough common sense yet, and maybe ought not reproduce.


I am a HUGE star trek nerd and not even.I would go that far,

crazytwinsmom 25

Have you learned nothing from Big Bang Theory?

Now, that's the sort of thing you discuss before you do it.

a true nerd like myself would love that! WTF!!!!

A true nerd would be inteligent enough to realize that nerds have a wide variety of interests, and Star Trek is not neceseraly one of them. You sir, until proven otherwise, will be labeled as a geek.

Grauncho 27

You forgot to perform the Klingon mating ritual. That's why it didn't work.

I'm assuming this wasn't discussed during "the talk"

yanoifeelhorrid 5

Okay so don't bash all girls, my ex-boyfriend spoke Klingon to me in the bedroom and I loved it! Most girls don't enjoy watching star wars and say they do to get a boyfriend.

gemstone586 12

oooo... you just confused star wars and star trek... prepare for the fury of the nerds!! hahaha. I'm not a nerd, but I know better than to do that....

yanoifeelhorrid 5

Sorry I was thinking two different thoughts me and my ex-boyfriend played star wars in the bedroom too. I prefered Star Wars and he preferred Star Trek.

"Claims to be"? Really? Just because she doesn't like you speaking Klingon in the bedroom, doesn't mean that she is not a "true" nerd. That's insulting to just about every female nerd/geek. We don't have to understand or like every single one of your fandoms, just as we don't expect you to understand/like all of ours. Imagine that she spoke Elven to you during sex, and you were taken aback? Do you lose your "nerd cred?" Also, I'm kinda concerned that, while having sex, the first thing you think of is how to formulate a sentence in Klingon....

I agree. The whole 'fake geek/nerd girl' trope makes me way uncomfortable, and it means that nerdy girls are isolated from fandom because they are constantly forced to 'prove themselves' as real nerds in ways that boys aren't. And I mean, we all have to start somewhere, right? Just because they aren't totally knowledgeable about every aspect of a fandom doesn't mean they're faking it, just may be new to it and don't know all of that yet. Aside from that, I think a lot of people might be put off by something that... out there in the middle of sex if they weren't expecting it. I mean, unless you've talked about turn-ons beforehand, there's so many things that can unintentionally ruin a moment. I've heard so many stories where attempts at dirty talk (regular dirty talk that isn't in Klingon!) have totally turned somebody off. You kind of need to check before you attempt anything that you aren't 100% sure the other person will find hot!

Are you really serious about having to 'prove yourself' as a real nerd? I'm not trying to be insensitive so please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to understand this concept. How does one prove this, what are the guidelines? Who is the decision maker to say you are or you aren't? More importantly, who gave them the right to judge you. I understand fakers but if someone asked me to prove something, I have the choice not to. To me if you feel like you have prove yourself to someone, maybe that person isn't worth knowing or maybe they should stick around long enough to find out for themselves.

#168 this video sums up the experience a lot of us have.

Seriously #168, it happens. On the internet and in real life, as soon as you say "I'm a fan of X" and you either are or are perceived as female, people don't believe you and start testing you. Like I've said before "I'm a massive Doctor Who fan" and instantly people ask "oh yeah? Who's your favourite Doctor? I bet it's David Tennant", and imply that I'm a poser (it happened a lot more when I was younger and a bit more shy). I've never seen it happen to my male friends who are also fans. I also have a good friend who is a gamer but because she's a girl, people assume she either won't be as good or won't be into 'real games'. And I'm not talking about friends or partners not believing me (I assure you that I would not stick around if somebody like that doubted me) but in spaces like meeting other fans, societies etc. And yeah, it is very off-putting and isolating when you want to meet new friends and discuss your fandom and people are acting like you don't have a right to be there because of your gender.

YES watch the video/listen to the song #207 posted! That is EXACTLY what it's like.