By Anonymous - 20/11/2013 03:42 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I learned that no matter how much of a nerd a girl claims to be, she is not ready for you to speak Klingon during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 784
You deserved it 71 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems like nature's way of telling you that you don't quite have enough common sense yet, and maybe ought not reproduce.


Probably not a total deal breaker..Don't beat yourself up too bad OP, it's just one mistake and not a bad one. If she doesn't give you another chance over that than she's not a girl worth pursuing anyways. Live long and prosper buddy.

Missyeru 14

Just because a girl isn't into listening to you speak Klingon DURING SEX, does not make her less nerdy! A. Is she even into Startrek? B. Klingon, is the UGLIEST of all sci-if/fantasy. Choose Sindarin (elvish), Al Bhed, heck I think even Huttese would be better!!! C. How did you think this was a good idea?!? Impress her with your Klingon outside of the sheets, and quite frankly I'm borderline offended, as a female 'nerd' by all aspects of the word, that because she was turned off, you deem her less nerdy, and only 'claiming'

I think you have every right to feel offended #32. There is no prerquisite for liking Star Trek, or finding Klingon sexy (because it really isn't) to be a nerd. I have a feeling that OP is just a trekkie, a Star Trek geek if you will, and not a true nerd.

I think you're reading too much into the OP's turn of phrase. Take two people. Both are deeply into LotR, Dr Who and a whole host of nerdy things. They're equal in how much they obsess over those things. One of them is also into Star Trek. Who is nerdier? As for the claims thing. If the non-Trek fan says that they are nerdier than the Trek fan, wouldn't you agree that was a false claim?

#202, no I would not say that since Star Trek has really nothing to do with being a nerd or a geek. All you have there is one person who is a Trekkie and one that is not. I have met many people who are die hard Star Trek fans, or geeks, yet are not nerds, and I have met many nerds who don't care for Star Trek.

I'm nerdy as hell, but this would be a big no for me. There are so many nerdy interests in world, just because she's not into dirty Klingon talk doesn't mean she isn't into other nerdy things.

This ''I am a nerd'' thing really has to stop.

Why? It's just a social identifier to say "we have similar interests". If you're talking about the ridiculous statement on clothing and cushions, then I agree. :p

I'll bet he's saving that for climax: "KHAAAAAAAM!!!"

A nerd does not a fandom make. I am by no means a 'nerd', though I am a member of many fandoms, Star Trek not included and that would certainly freak me out. My heart lies with the Rebellion. In a Tardis. At Minas Tirith. Wait, what ?

Valiumknights44 12

What girl wouldn't want to hear Klingon during sex? But just to make sure maybe next time you should dress up as Worf to set the mood.

If you spoke Klingon but didn't draw blood you only went halfway. She's mad because you didn't commit to the role.

Im a girl and a nerd but i dont think i would ever want that to happen.

You're 13. You're going to have to wait awhile to even have the chance of that happening.