By bureaucratic assfuckery - 04/01/2013 20:51 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I learned that my doctor lost all of my immunization records. I can't start law school without them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 789
You deserved it 1 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DKjazz 20

I wonder if you can sue him? I guess now you'll never know.


1crabbygirl 10

You need to contact your state Board of Health. Your doctor shouldn't be the only one who has them.


Shot shot, shot shot shot, shot shot everyboddaayy!! 


Shot shot, shot shot shot, shot shot shot everybody!!

Shouldn't you have them at home? ...Or is it abnormal for me to have mine?

So now what? Does that mean OP will have to get his shots all over again?

that stuff is on a computer. I'm not sure how it could be lost