By Labelme - 02/01/2010 08:26 - United States

Today, I learned that instead of discarding expired products at my work, we change the label to make them 'expire' later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 196
You deserved it 2 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww! That sounds like that's illegal to do...

I say report them to whatever trading standards board you have in the US. That's illegal and if someone gets ill eating their food, they'll be able to sue. Big time.


RammerJammer62 8

At the restaurant I worked at, we just took the labels off, and smell it to see if it's good.. I got my ass out of that dump. Also, being in the restaurant biz you hear about other places, I know of a subway that changes the labels, but that might just be the one.

Depending on where you work, that is possibly illegal. If it's a pharmacy, food service, or anything other than the most basic of lotion shops, I'd report it.

When I worked at Paradise Bakery a few years ago I alerted my manager to a box of moldy strawberries so she could mark it in damages, she then ordered me to sort through the box and pull out the unmoldy ones so they could be served to guests. Blech.