By junkie - 18/12/2012 18:28 - Belgium - Antwerp

Today, I hid my weed stash in a bag from an expensive jewellery store. My sister walked into my room, went "Ooh, what's this?" and grabbed the bag. I grabbed it back and ad-libbed that it was her Christmas gift. Now I actually have to buy her expensive jewellery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 127
You deserved it 64 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The moral of this story is: Never buy gifts for people

Sir_ND_Pity 35

You must have been high on something to think that that would work out. ...wait.


I know you want the best storage and hiding for your weed, but you should put it in something someone won't look in, in a place they won't find it.

No, just put something else in that box and give it to her.

shorty_76018 5

Buy her something cheap and put it in the box

littlelotte98 3

Yeah don't do drugs! Don't drink because alcohol is a drug. Don't drink coffee because caffeine is a drug. Don't take Advil because any sort of painkiller is a drug. Never, ever, ever take any medicine for anything because that's all drugs too.

Oh and never go to a pharmacy a.k.a. a DRUG store

You should just give her the weed and see what she says lol

leogachi 15

Did it occur to you that you could get her a cheap gift and tell her that she shouldn't have expected something so expensive?

You don't HAVE to buy her anything geez if shes that greedy and spoiled expecting a gift just like that

Just buy ath and put it in that bag doesnt matter :)

smokeandpoke 4

Just give her the weed and tell her it just as good :)