By badmom - 10/06/2009 18:09 - Canada

Today, I heard my daughter scream at my son through the bathroom door, "Are you jacking off in there or something?" and him scream back at her "Shut up you fucking cunt!" My daughter is 7 and my son is 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 134 946
You deserved it 80 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow. I blame public schools? Harrr. :B

What sort of vulgar environment are you raising your kids in? Or is it simply the way our schooling system has come to nowadays... FYL & YDI.


HeyyyBrahhh 0

Bahahaha! That's really funny.

UsingLogic 0

They probably learned this at school, but I think the parents forgot to teach them not to say such things (or at least not in front of adults). I mean, I learned a lot of bad stuff at school but I would had never dared to repeat it near an adult (even an adult I didn't know). Parents didn't do all their job, that's all.

You should've taught them better. YDI.

monkeyz0r 0

@ 40/plexico GRATEFUL DEAD haha this is really funny, guys hes not a bad parent, his kids were just exposed to this, probably not by him

Eh, I knew that kinda language when I was 11, and my parents never swear (not even now that my brother and I are 13 and 18 and know everything there is to say). These things tend to start younger every year, so I'm not surprised that it's gone down to 7 and 8 since then. Not really FYL or YDI...more like ATR (amused the readers).

krs1234 0

i learned 99.9% of all "bad" words at home....which is where most kids learn them.