By yanksbitethebig1 - 16/03/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, I heard back from my store management interview at Target. I was offered an overnight stock clerk position. When I called HR to find out if my application was in the wrong file I was told I lack the leadership qualities necessary for Target. I graduated with honors from a military school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 088
You deserved it 6 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i used to work at target doing that job. you're not missing out.

wowFML123 0

I don't get why you're complaining. Military school obviously leaves you with an inferior education for working at Target. There's stocking shelves, answering phones, operating a cash register, mopping floors. You may even have to show customers where things are located in the store. I think you may actually have to have your PhD to work there.


If you're a military man... why the **** do you want to work at Target?

manthatissodumb 0

they probably ****** that up.

Why would you want to work at target? Why not.. i dunno... the military?

johnny2x4 0

Yeh dont worry about it dude...i worked at Target for a while.....good store but a crappy place to work, trust me when i say you are more likely avoiding a nervous breakdown than a life boosting career

CPTobvious_fml 0

Military HS or military academy.... there's a big difference

the same thing happened to me at sears - it's SEARS!!! yeah, they have some real winners working there... I'm sure I'm just too uncivilized

IUnderstandThat 0

I work at Target. All I have to say about this is feel honored! I'm 99% positive Target only hires people who have had a labotomy for manager positions. You were just too smart!

Believe it or not, Target doesn't hire managers that don't have a degree in something. All of the managers at our store graduated from college. Our general manager (the big head honcho) has a masters degree for teaching, the only reason she works at Target is because she makes more money! ;) I know people who have worked for Target for 15+ years, and the ONLY reason they're not in management is because they don't have a degree. They're stuck getting paid hourly as an assistant manager. Obviously you really weren't qualified.