By yanksbitethebig1 - 16/03/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, I heard back from my store management interview at Target. I was offered an overnight stock clerk position. When I called HR to find out if my application was in the wrong file I was told I lack the leadership qualities necessary for Target. I graduated with honors from a military school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 088
You deserved it 6 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i used to work at target doing that job. you're not missing out.

wowFML123 0

I don't get why you're complaining. Military school obviously leaves you with an inferior education for working at Target. There's stocking shelves, answering phones, operating a cash register, mopping floors. You may even have to show customers where things are located in the store. I think you may actually have to have your PhD to work there.


I applied for management at Target twice. After the first round, some of their reps came to campus for mock interviews. I did one, and they said I was great and had no advice on improvement. Applied again, got rejected. I'm now attending med school at an Ivy League. OP - Take it as a compliment. xD

so you graduated from a military SCHOOL...meaning you really dont have any leadership me i know what i'm talking about im an NCO in the miliatry

Oooooo you graduated military school with honors... Big woop. Where is your project management experience? What do you know about operations management? State and Federal Regulations for Equal Opportunity Employment? I am a 10 1/2 year military veteran with Honors Graduate Degree and documented hours of management experience and they would still pass up on someone like me. Just because you graduated school means nothing...

so if you graduated with honors why do you want to work at target? that doesn't even make sense. you studied hard at military school for target? lol. ydi

Ohh honey!, u acctually thought that crap mattered in the real working world?

Yes, because military school automatically makes you qualified for leadership positions in organizations you know nothing about. That's like a doctor applying to be a pilot and saying, "Well, I have an MD."