By yanksbitethebig1 - 16/03/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, I heard back from my store management interview at Target. I was offered an overnight stock clerk position. When I called HR to find out if my application was in the wrong file I was told I lack the leadership qualities necessary for Target. I graduated with honors from a military school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 088
You deserved it 6 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i used to work at target doing that job. you're not missing out.

wowFML123 0

I don't get why you're complaining. Military school obviously leaves you with an inferior education for working at Target. There's stocking shelves, answering phones, operating a cash register, mopping floors. You may even have to show customers where things are located in the store. I think you may actually have to have your PhD to work there.


Requirements are getting tougher out there. Even Generals aren't prepared enough to lead a Target anymore. ^^

OperationNicole_fml 0

I don't understand why you think going to military school and graduating with honors makes you eligible for management. You don't lack brains, you lack experience. Why do you think you'll boss around people that have been there for years and know the store inside and out when you've just arrived? Start from the bottom up, just like everybody else.

It's rough out there for everyone right now. I just got my degree and work as a basic receptionist in a field that is in no way related to my education - and it took me over a month to even find that! Just be grateful when you do find a job, no matter what it is.

Target blows. I applied twice and got rejected twice. I have a degree in management and ran a school business of about 15 students for 4 years. I have also tutored students at various grades in various subjects for about 6 years. I was rejected for their team leader as "not qualified". The second time I ended up meeting the guy who got the job and he was still working on his GED at 23 but had been working there for 6 years. Now I am training to manage a department of 30 people for a large defense contractor with double the salary target offered. Mainly this was based on my experience there as an intern there. Bottom line: You're IQ drops 50 points if you've never worked for that company.

awalkinthepark 0

Then why are you applying to Target?

MackenzieB 0

It's ******* target. Why would you want to work there?

The people who work at target have shit for brains... why would you want to become a part of that?

School, even military school, does not make you a leader. Ever managed anything? Because that's probably what they're looking for. Welcome to the world outside, where we're expected to work up to things based on our experience and attitude - even shit jobs as Target managers.

ohxberlin 0

target does not like to hire military people i tried & they said i seem too busy ...i'm a weekend warrior. FML hah

SimpleIdiot 0

bro its target who the hell cares?