By deeenalynn - 18/07/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I have horrible morning sickness. I was helping my daughter fingerpaint, when suddenly the smell of the paint set my stomach off. I threw up all over myself and her painting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 875
You deserved it 4 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

I have a feeling you won't be hanging that artwork on your fridge...


Artpiece to be named: painted by my daughter and my unborn child

cherrigirl 0

can you say pregnant. hope it gets better:)

strainer04 8

ahh the joys of being preggo! congrads!

"Today, I had horrible morning sickness ..." One would assume she IS in fact pregnant.

Well if your child is young enough to finger paint, maybe you should have waited to have another..

How, exactly, did your daughter react to this?