By deeenalynn - 18/07/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I have horrible morning sickness. I was helping my daughter fingerpaint, when suddenly the smell of the paint set my stomach off. I threw up all over myself and her painting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 875
You deserved it 4 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

I have a feeling you won't be hanging that artwork on your fridge...


tylerrice 0

at least it wasn't in front of all her friends or family.. that would really suck

Lulblast 4

Now hang yourself and it'll be worth a million dollars. :P

that's something I wouldnt want to see!

Sell it on eBay; it's a scratch & sniff.

I think puke was just the color that the painting needed.

Ever see two girls finger painting google it

secerodylan1 0

sounds like picture sucked xD

I would of given that painting an A+