By annoyed teen - 13/04/2014 03:01 - United States - Boise

Today, I had to work at the restaurant instead of going to the prom, which nobody asked me out to. For five hours, I got to shamefully greet and seat people on their way home from the prom, all of whom knew I was too lame to get asked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 485
You deserved it 4 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prom is lame anyway, why would you want to go? I mean, everyone knows all the cool kids don't go, right?

If you were that desperate to go, why didn't you ask somebody?


Prom is overrated anyway. I went to two my junior year and hated both of them so I skipped senior year and never regretted it! Look at it this way, you made money instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a mediocre night.

Hey you made money and they lost about $1,000 just on one dumb ass night, don't sweat it Prom sucks ass

Just because no one asked you doesn't mean you're lame. And while it may not seem like it now, what happens in high school stays there. Once you go off to college or do whatever it is you're going to do next, who you were and who paid attention to you in high school will be nothing but a conversation topic that comes up less frequently with every passing stage of life. And I'm willing to bet a lot of the people older than you whom you admire weren't the most popular in high school either.

tank11 2

I never went to the prom. Graduated high school, under grad, and grad school. It's sucks now and I remember how I felt but living well is the best revenge. Take that to heart and be the best at whatever you decide to do.

tuffykat 8

you need to watch my big ft greek wedding...she has the same life as you, maybe you will get a few tips!

titibug823 11

I went to both Junior and Senior prom... they were fun, but really it was just another dance. Its all hyped up and then turns out to be just the same as any other dance.

Instead of thinking of yourself as lame, think about how much money you made, and his much they spent. Now use that to drive you to get rich, then show up at reunion and then see who thinks you're lame.

Never belittle yourself because of a decision you made. You could've gone to prom alone, or asked someone out or go with a friend. You could've even called off work to avoid seeing those people. Either way you aren't lame. I'm sorry that you felt crappy OP but always remember that life is full of new experiences and things but not all of them are good. It'll be okay. I didn't get asked to prom either.