By Liz - 09/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to watch my neighbor's daughter for 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything I had to offer, so I ordered a pizza for $19 + a $5 tip = $24. Her father came by to pick her up, thanked me, and gave me a $20 bill. I effectively just paid to watch his kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 958
You deserved it 19 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfdidido 0

$20 for 10 hours is stupid. Why were you even willing to do something without knowing how much you'll get out of it?


first off who the **** pays 19 dollars for a pie.. plus who the **** gives five dollars tip

shouldnt have tipped... 1$ profit. :)

2 dollars an hour is a good deal, I can see why you didn't say anything about it

snow_cloak 0

Next time give the kid some snacks around the house. Why did you order pizza in the first place if you knew it was gonna be that expensive?

That's about what a large pizza costs here. She didn't eat a large all on her own though. Anyway $2 an hour? WTF?

hahalmao20 0

#116 wtf a pie is a dessert.

All I have to say is I'm very happy that you tipped $5. My brother's a pizza delivery person and he ALWAYS gets jipped. Although the babysitting incident sounds like something that would happen with my sister. I babysat a whole summer for her once and didn't get paid a cent >.

clvfeldv 0

I'm also very happy that you tip well, don't worry what goes around comes around and you'll get your share... Those of you who don't know how to tip, you should learn. A lot of the times its all that person has to live on, and often they are supporting more than one person. If you don't know what I'm talking about, imagine if all the money that you got was based on tips, and all you had was that dollar or so per order; I bet you'd need more than one job to survive if you don't depend on ur rents...

k, my friend gets paid $20 AN HOUR and watches her neighbor's kid at least 2 hours. you got ripped off. neighbor war is ON

First of all, why the hell would you only get $20 for 10 dollars? I'd get like $100 for that much. You should have told him that you had to pay for a pizza for the kid because she wouldn't eat. Then maybe he'd be less cheap...