By Me - 07/03/2012 18:24 - United States

Today, I had to use the restroom while at work. I had the choice of the stall with a broken lock, or the stall with a huge crack in the partition wall. Not two minutes after I sat down, I noticed someone peeking in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 506
You deserved it 2 600

Same thing different taste


Taygri 0

After reading this FML, my friend now follows me to the school bathroom and look in every time with the creepiest laugh ever.

That's should have picked the one without the lock.

FriendlyOtaku 10

In my schools bathrooms, none of the locks on the stalls even work >.>

C94_ 0

"not two minutes after i sat down, i noticed someone peeking in" story continues... i made a new friend that day

AmyDeeAri 8

I would have Gone in the broken lock one. All you gotta do is put toilet paper in between the stall to keep it from opening.

That is considered sexual harrassment and you can sue...

Not two minutes after sitting.... Ummm how long do you take in public? And why not stuff the door locked w/tissue?

You say "not two mins in" like that's not a really long time to be sitting in a public bathroom stall. :-)

um... take a strip of tp and drape it over the crack.