By xXx3mi_MuffinxXx - 01/07/2011 19:23 - United States

Today, I had to tell my best friend that I couldn't make it to the lake today or tomorrow because I'd been called in to work. She won't believe me and thinks I'm simply avoiding her. I got called in to bathe and clean dogs' anal glands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 756
You deserved it 3 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lmaoatall 6

let me get this straight. you're missing two days of lake fun with your friends because you have to milk ass juice from dogs buttholes. FYL op.

cptmorgan6 8

Umm..... I don't think that's what she meant by cleaning. But, if that's how you'd like to imagine it, then by all means, go ahead.

Actually No. 21, No. 12 is right. That is essentially what the OP is doing. The glands get clogged and need expressing so the OP is, in effect, milking ass juice out of some dirty dogs' stinking asses. If it isn't done they can get impacted and then it's a real mess. You'd have to pay me a million bucks to do that rotten job. Frankly I don't know which is worse; having a whiny, needy, paranoid friend or having to do that foul-smelling, dirty job.

cptmorgan6 8

Ok, 34. I admit I made an impulsive comment and I am not aware of what the procedure is that the OP is taking a part of. My mistake.

Well, we learn something new every day. What you can actually use this newfound knowledge for is iffy at best, but nevertheless you have acquired it.

Maybe op needs the money. Going to the lake doesn't pay the bills.

@33: I think we all got the visual. Thanks.

33 is totally right. I posted about it on someone else's comment. The smell of that anal gland stuff makes you want to throw up no joke. It's like a condensed trash dump smell and u seriously gag.

woody768 0

My mom calls them buttsacs lol

well that is your job, she's just going to have to accept it, and so are you. (:

cptmorgan6 8

What??!! I love doing that! OP, screw the lake. Enjoy the anus... I mean anal cleansing time and enjoy the time you spend helping dogs.

sarabraun8 7

take the dogs with you. she'll believe you then

jeob1992 8

Wow, I think there is two FML's here one the job and two the friend not believing them. That just sucks, sorry

bzett 0

how much are you getting paid?