By Anonymous - 30/05/2012 18:47 - United Kingdom - Barry

Today, I had to sneak out of work to get my daughter from her school. Apparently, she had thought that hurling a bowling ball down the stairs during the lunch hour rush would make her cool. In actual fact, it made her expelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 923
You deserved it 3 017

Same thing different taste


Chucking dime bags at people would quickly make her the most popular kid at school.

where the hell did she get the bowling ball?

Iguanadon 14

Your daughter is awesome, jus' sayin'.

Where did she get her hands on a bowling ball?

Why does your daughter carry around a bowling ball in school?

singingfreak525 8

Are the people praising this girl aware of the damage a bowling ball can do, even without being "hurled"? She could have actually killed someone. Imagine that shit landing on your head.

Where did she get the bowling ball from and how did she get it into school in the first place? Also, why did you have to sneak out of work?

How did she manage to get a bowling ball into school without anybody noticing?

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Did anyone else notice the location of this? "The Vale of Glamorgan". That sounds so f**king awesome.