By derped-out sperm - 01/04/2014 21:41 - Ireland

Today, I had to rush my 14-year-old son to the hospital after he fell out of a tree while trying to take an obnoxious "extreme selfie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 094
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments


halcyondaze 11

How to explain my generation using just one FML.

Calm down, my generation had MTV's Jackass, and most of us survived, you kids will be okay.

Let's hope he still got that selfie :)

You see, trees are dangerous creatures. If you ever see one, climb a tree. Trees can't climb trees.

Didn't have enough power to handle his own selfie game..

ZeroProxy 4
squarecircles 13

Sadly at this day and age I wouldn't be one bit surprised if there were lots if other kids going to emergency due to similar stunts.

Axel5238 29

How many kids tried free running because they saw kids doing it on youtube do it? I've done gymnastics for 7 years landing badly without padding can cause serious injuries. I can't imagine screwing up a back flip on grass and messing up and hitting face first. Though I can't imagine why those kids though it was a good idea to begin with.

Why did you interfere? Let Darwin's theory of evolution do it's job.