By MiceMiles - 10/12/2015 12:34 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that miles are the same distance for everything. He thought that human miles were different than mouse miles, because they're smaller. He's 34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 941
You deserved it 2 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, so when that mouse was bragging to me about running several miles, he was talking about ACTUAL miles?! That IS impressive.


This is why one ought to use metric measurements. Far simpler, although he still wonder about human meters versus mouse meters.

Metric system vs imperial. It's all in what you are taught. That's like saying the whole world should speak (insert your common tongue here) because it is easier to speak. It may be to you, but not to everyone.

there are like 4 countries that are imperial units, and even then they still teache both

Metric is superior to imperial for many reasons, but lack of confusion with mice distances is not one of them.

Metric system is superior on all points, and by not having a unit related to some persons body dimensions is one of the biggest benefits. Besides, only one country still uses it, but everytime it becomes important, the smart scientist and engineers calculate it in the metric system.

I'm sorry to tell you but your boyfriends not very bright

well, you do have land and sea miles being different lengths. ..

sounds like he maybe has the brain size of a mouse

A mile and a nautical mile are different lengths to be fair.

Favorited. I hope you're around him a long time.

Worst part is that he isn't even the dumbest person out there.

I agree, just check out some FML comments ...

Mysterious_one 26

Seriously?.. Do u speak mice language to deny the fact there is a possibility of him being tight? Distance is relative.. That's why there is so many measures for it.. Miles is not the only unit.

Mathalamus 24

One mouse mile is 160 meters, assuming the feet is one centimetre long.