By flowerman - 26/12/2011 17:56 - United States

Today, I had to drive my girlfriend to the hospital because she had a severe allergic reaction to the flowers I brought her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 045
You deserved it 5 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure it was an orchid situation, but at least you rose to the occasion and didn't stay mum or lily-livered when you bought them. The good news is that she'll definitely forget-you-not. In a few daisies, thistle blow over, she will kiss your tulips, and all will be forgiven.

That's bittersweet. Did she at least enjoy them before she began having a reaction?


2ndSucks 15

44: I doubt it. A dose of epinephrine and fluids then I'm sure they discharged her. Plus, there's a mobile FML app even if she was still at the hospital. ;) ... Docbastard, you're in a trauma/ER dept, what would you do?

71: I don't know what a "cataract of the hospital" is, but your comment's quite twisted.

It's the thought that counts buts that really unfortunate

Yeah so will the bill from the hospital muwahahahaha. Captain Asshole strikes again!!!

But find out if she's allergic to the chocolate, or nuts or anything that could possibly be inside the chocolate...

juliajealousyy 1

Oh my Sounds like someone doesn't know their girlfriend very well!

You never know... Maybe the girlfriend herself didn't know she was allergic to those specific flowers.

mintcar 9

Through hospital visits and all, let's hope she was grateful. Now you know about the allergy, so never again.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

It's the thought that counts... And we all know you didn't do it on purpose! ... Right?

flockz 19

so did she keep foaming at the mouth all the way to the hospital?

Aww that's ok, you didn't know, and I'm sure she still thought it was sweet!