By beekeke45 - 25/06/2011 13:39 - United States

Today, I had to dig up my twin boys birth certificates for baseball registration. Turns out I had been calling both of them by the other twin's name for eight and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 722
You deserved it 67 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would finding their birth certificates help distinguish their names?


mtaylorpuckerman 0

lmao, that sux u shud get it leagally switched

ErinKidCannibal_fml 0

That's a nice cup of fail.

DaveDave7 3

now what? how are you going to explain this to your kids?

RainbowzSkittlez 6

And the best parenting award goes to you, congrats..

You may find that this is also why your son, Emily, gets bullied at school ;-) I wonder whether all the posters saying that you suck as a mother have tried dealing with newborn twins. We only had kids one at a time and I was so tired I could pretty much have got my own name wrong for the first couple of weeks, never mind theirs. And I'm only the father. Assuming there isn't something like a fingerprint on the BS I would just tell the twins you were confused over who was born first. Nobody outside your family is likely to know or care.

that sucks! did you tell them that you have been calling them by the wrong names?

lucidpattern 6