By Roy Lawson - 26/06/2014 00:19 - United States - Brea

Today, I had to bite the bullet and finally buy maternity pants. Problem is, I'm not pregnant and I'm a 25-year-old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 746
You deserved it 25 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinking you should lose some weight...

JMichael 25

Go the gym if you're not satisfied with your weight


Bit the bullet? Maybe if you quit biting so many things and hut the gym you wouldn't have to buy maternity pants.

jonmaster69 7

I do believe its time to get off your fat ******* ass and work out

graceinsheepwear 33

Maternity pants imply you plan to keep letting your weight increase. Just start now to at least not gain.

guyssite 4

There is no shortage of places to buy pants for fat guys. If OP bought maternity pants instead, then that's OP's issue to deal with. It wasn't a necessity. It was an extremely weird choice.

well you already bite the bullet ...all you have to do know is work out and lose weight...

an3ph 20

Gaa, that sucks man! You might want to do something about that.