By marisa - 05/01/2013 00:31 - Ireland - Carlow

Today, I had to beg my husband not to shave his pubic hair into a handlebar moustache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 230
You deserved it 4 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That has to be one of the most awesome ideas for a guy to do with his pubes...hold on, I'll be right back...


Dmleonard 5

That's a ******* awesome Idea!!!

It sounds like you've got yourself a hairy predickament. But really, gentlemen around the world will thank you for sharing this.

What's the harm in having pubes in a funny shape? I've heard of all sorts of weird and wonderful shaves, plaits etc.

And for my next piece of art I will shave the bat signal there. Such an 'original' idea. But no, seriously, that's hot.

It's just hair... hair that only you two get to see on top of that. Just let him have his fun :P