By ~__~ - 20/03/2015 21:23

Today, I had to bail my drunk dad out of jail after he beat the shit out of a mime artist. All he had to say on the matter was "Fucking bastard was playing mind games." and that he'd beat him up again if he could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 653
You deserved it 2 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dad needs to mime his own business

michaelaranda 28

Sorry about all the trouble op. Hopefully your dad will pay you back the bail and will be appreciative for your help. Everyone makes mistakes when theyre drunk. Not an excuse or justification.


Perhaps your dad was so drunk, there was no mime.

Dude your dad is like randy marsh off South Park

Your dad is awesome and did us all proud against these annoying mimes. Did the mime at least open his mouth and squeal when this happened

I hope your dad sobers up, and pays you back for bailing him out. Why on earth would someone beat up a mime...? Getting drunk isn't an excuse to hurt anyone. Sure mimes are a bit creepy, but they are artists and it's supposed to be entertainment, which everybody knows. Plus they can't even say anything, so how could he have possibly pissed your dad off so much?

i don't think it was anything personal towards the mime. poor guy! but i think that was the reason why the dad said he was playing "mind games" because the mime doesn't talk is what actually lead to the dad beating him up. you do know drunk people don't tend to make rational decisions right?

Because they are really really creepy?

No. Nasty violent piece of crap drunk is merely a slightly more controlled piece of crap sober.

How did the police get involved? I would have thought the mime would be reluctant to talk.

Good gods, mimes. Even Lord Vetinari can't stand them. I've never understood the appeal, but neither the hatred. They just seem... Meh.

Well that mime deserved everything he got!!! How dare he start a battle of wits with an unarmed man!!!!!

Or in this case, a mime is a terrible thing when wasted.

haha this is actually pretty damn funny! sorry op.

honestly he should know as an adult that being drunk doesn't give you an excuse to commit crimes? tell him to learn some self management. i'm sorry but he should know his limits, he shouldn't have drunk so much if he couldn't hold his liquor