By calidumbass - 14/01/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, I had a rude awakening after a traffic accident the day before. I'd fled the scene to avoid having to pay hefty damage fines. I would have gotten away with it too, if my license plate hadn't fallen off and incriminated me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 656
You deserved it 121 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI 100 times over OP, never hit and run. man up and own up to your mistakes or stay off the roads.


protoss_terran 1

As the recent victim of a hit and run, I wanted to sign up for commenting just to say **** you! I hope it's a felony in your state.

I agree! Hit and run victim here too, thankfully I had lots of witnesses and their plate number. It was a 17 year old who panicked and fled the scene.

my sister's car got totaled by a hit and run. you hit and runners deserve every bit of punishment possible.

chillinAK 9

As a victim of a hit and run while walking with my three small children, you deserve to get max jail time. You didn't even know if the Vic wad okay. And then you come on here like YOUR life is ******? Grow some balls bitch.

RosiePatosie 0

I don't say this often, but you deserved it. That's classified as a "hit-and-run." Karma's a bitch.

tucansam555 3

I hate you dont be a bitch just pay the damn thing it's your fault

A friend of mine is still paying off $13,000 in hospital bills thanks to a hit and run. I hope whoever was affected takes OP for all s/he's worth.

you dumbass. completely deserves, but you're right, your life is now ******.

gusgus36 5

YDI for doing a hit and run. did you even care if the other person was okay?

GoldMAXX 0

that's what insurance is for moron

OP you're a cowardly, selfish, narcissistic asshole with no sense of personal accountability. I hope you're shitty attitude and terrible choices make you wind up on the street. I hope the person you hit takes you for everything you've got. You're despicable.