By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, I had a pretty big erection while getting checked out at the airport. The security guard was scanning my potentially "dangerous" erection for at least one long minute in front of my wife, kids, and 20 people behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 562
You deserved it 13 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, they had to make it sure it wouldn't go off at any time...


that_one_dude 0

This sounds like a possible beginning for a porno lol. Minus the kids + wife :P

Sorry, I don't buy it! I think you're a dumb little kid trying to pull a prank on the usual readers here that might make you think you're not such a little loser! Why else wold you try so hard to specify that you had a "big erection"? if you weren't! I call this one a really big FAIL!

he was trying to get a handle on the situation.

dinosaursmoo 0

Bahaha, I loveeee you! Thats totally a FML, how can he deserve getting an erection?

robbyrabbit 0

if you had been my husband, i think i would have peed my pants from laughing. sorry, but your penis is pretty awesome. PENIS FTW.

You'll be fantasizing about that later. It's bound to give you a complex. :D

SkaterChic 0

i can't believe nobody responded to #29 LMFAO, just so you know

Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?

Hey don't sweat it man, it's normal and there's no shame in it. This happens to guys all the time. If it can't be controlled it can't be.