By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 17:34 - United States

Today, I had a pretty big erection while getting checked out at the airport. The security guard was scanning my potentially "dangerous" erection for at least one long minute in front of my wife, kids, and 20 people behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 562
You deserved it 13 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, they had to make it sure it wouldn't go off at any time...


Night22_fml 4

Nowadays, everything's a weapon, even a boner, you could kill a man :P

this is kinda why I like being a girl. hahaha! like, if girls all of a sudden start their period and it gets on their pants, you can pretty much disguise it. you can't really disguise an erection. hahahahahhaa! aww.

1221jamw 11

well umm -coughcamletoecough-

sydmadhurf 6

ok u totally didn't have to go there haha.. just kidding but totally agreed!! other than periods, childbirth, self esteem issues, etc etc, erections would suck!! yayy I'm glad to be a girl:P

How do you disguise a huge rush if blood from your ******???

hahahah #1 ftw. also, when girls get aroused... it's a good thing we don't get erections xD

mylifeisFML56 0

u had a big erection and it got noticed... not that much of an FML

BulldogQB4 0

That's not bad for you though. I'd be pretty pleased w myself if I got an erection and they were like "this could be a lethal weapon"....wait nvm.....over 3 oz of fluid is a no no lol.

the airport? really? with your kids? lmfao

lolololcheese 0
haganeno76 0

OMG ROFLCOPTER @ #24 That's hilarious btw.

maniac6 0

especially since you're not a teenager, you should be able to control your own damn dick. YDI.