By pixie09 - 08/11/2010 20:43 - United States

Today, I got sentenced to 20 hours community service for having a boy in my room an hour after floor hours. If I don't do the community service, I could get kicked out of the dorm and put on probation at my college. We were breaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 446
You deserved it 11 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's college they need to stop treating you like little kids.

This fml confuses me :/ Why would a college be able to sentence you to community service?


TheZarola 10

YDI. You broke the rules, and regardless of the reason, it's your fault.

I understand you broke the rules but breaking up that sucks for getting in trouble for that :/ goodluck

YDI for choosing to attend a school with rules like that

glad i'm not the only one that thinks that. O_o

breaking up or not you still broke the rules sorry to say, wouldn't be fair if they made exceptions to everyone would it? 24 hours in a day to break up or work out your problems, besides you're paying for an education that's what should be important anyways

WTF?? Do many American dorms have rules like that?? Jesus ****** Christ, that is ******* rediculous. I mean, WHAT THE HELL?!

You're freaking adults, why the hell do you have such ridiculous rules? We can have anyone we want in the building, however another warden did ask that we didn't bring "random" people home after a night out, but it isn't a rule. Also, that's discrimating against straight people, since if you were a lesbian you could have your girlfriend there and wouldn't be breaking any rules.

Torch the school, nobody likes Nazis anyway.