By boss stabber - 04/01/2015 06:52 - United States - Kings Beach

Today, I got reprimanded by my boss for saying "It's a stab in the dark, though." According to him, it's a euphemism for anal sex and I was being offensive to a gay colleague, the same one who kept insisting it was no problem. I got written up anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 520
You deserved it 2 468

Same thing different taste

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I don't see how that could've been offensive to gay people

HeadlessSparrow 20

Horrible Bosses 3: FML edition


If your boss is that ignorant, you should look into another job.

is your boss a Tumblr user by any chance?

I can't help but wonder whether this took place in San Francisco...

Wizardo 33

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jaredofmo 22

"Stab in the dark" pretty much means making a blind guess. I guess the boss somehow thought it meant since you can't see what's going on back there when someone's giving it to you during anal sex... I guess we know where the boss' mind is a lot!

#32, you're overthinking it. Think about it again, a stab in the dark? I mean, that's pretty literal in terms of anal sex, you're poking the brown eye.

PC had gotten to the point where offense is perceived, even if the offense is not taken. It's nearly impossible to say anything any more, without offending someone, or some one ASSUMING you may have offended some one.

The sort of people who spout "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS OVERBOARD, WE CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE!!" always seem be the kind of people who're only saying it because someone told them it's shitty to make rape jokes. Or racist jokes, sexist jokes, homophobic jokes...

In my opinion, people have become obsessed with political correctness in some ways, like with the term African-American. It's perceived as offensive to say "black" and we are taught to call black people who don't even live in America African-Americans, which is completely ridiculous. On the other hand, I think it's necessary to make sure no one is being purposefully hateful.

Ashd09 30

I actually really agree with this comment. In school a few weeks ago I was talking to my friend about a picture she drew and said "I would definitely avoid using the color black" (in coloring the pic) and my teacher started calling me racist and went on a long PC rant. I was put in in school suspension for 2 days over my supposedly "racist" remark

Wow! OMG your school and teacher can go f*ck themselves ? smh

African-American and Black are both OK. Some people prefer one term, and others, another. This example is a weak argument.

Evidently he needs some serious clarification on what that euphemism is supposed to mean. Wow

Not all stabbings are Hamlet.... Only like five of them.

I think your boss is secretly gay and is overcompensating.