By boss stabber - 04/01/2015 06:52 - United States - Kings Beach

Today, I got reprimanded by my boss for saying "It's a stab in the dark, though." According to him, it's a euphemism for anal sex and I was being offensive to a gay colleague, the same one who kept insisting it was no problem. I got written up anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 520
You deserved it 2 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see how that could've been offensive to gay people

HeadlessSparrow 20

Horrible Bosses 3: FML edition


Your boss is not very smart. He insulted your intelligence and he insulted those who are gay. You might want to get him a thesaurus.

This is the most random shit I've read today...

JustinJK 21

OMG HOW DARE YOU USE A WELL KNOWN IDIOM!!? Although as a gay I do see how it could be a euphemism for anal haha

I'm gonna have to use that. "Baby, I'd like to stab you in the dark. ;)" ... on second thought, I don't want a restraining order..

Is it a standard for potential boss position applicants to be assholes ? FML is full FMLS of higher-ups being ignorant and/or straight out stupid ..

CaroAurelia 12

Some people are so open-minded that their brains fall out.

I don't think OP's boss had any brain to begin with.

CaroAurelia 12

#43, that's true. I stand corrected.

WTF? That's messed up that he would even come up with that!

Wow clearly an intelligent and observant boss eh?

Yeah that was really insensitive considering sexual orientation shouldn't matter in the work place and it's not like you said "I'd pork him in the stink hole"!

What crawled up his ass? pun intended.