By Anonymous - 05/10/2014 15:47 - United States - Arlington

Today, I got on one knee in front of my girlfriend. I pulled out the ring, uttered the words, "Lisa, will you…" then abruptly shat my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 219
You deserved it 6 314

Same thing different taste


KatyLarae 13

Great idea! Girls love a guy who can make them laugh!

ostfaiz 18

so now a days girls do have priorities!

ostfaiz 18

...and the sentence got completed, m looking forward for Lisa's revert further!

ThexFroggyGirl 21

If she really loved you, she'd have laughed really hard and accepted your proposal anyways

At least you didn't say, "Lisa, you make me feel like..."

This reminds me of a show with weddings that went wrong and there was this couple that had all kind of bad things happening to them and one was that all the wedding guests got stomach problems and diarrhea from the flower girl which had a virus apparently highly contagious and fast acting. The couple spent their wedding night in the toilet and she even got a leprechaun green wedding dress because they messed up the order for the dress, and something went wrong with her makeup and the music band and the decor too. It was an fml wedding totally. Turns out they are happily married for years and nothing bad happened to them up to date. I hope you both went over this shitty proposal and got married and that you are happy. If she loves you she would go past this as a bad thing and rather look at it with humor and understanding.

rite outta harlequin romance , so what did she say? don't leave us in the lurch you silly goose : )

Did she say no, so you can run away and clean up? Because if she said yes there is like no escaping the hug and kissed of that...

Awe it really sucks when nerves get the best of you :( I hope that she was gracious and caring about what happened, I wish you the best of luck OP