By lydiacoolness - 08/08/2009 02:27 - New Zealand

Today, I got my annual blood test. The nurse was inexperienced and it took her several tries to insert the needle properly. When I get back home, my fiancé starts yelling at me and storms out. The reason? I am a recovering drug addict and my arm appeared as if I had been shooting up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 558
You deserved it 6 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HumansSuck 0

Hey, at least you're recovering and you have a fiance. That's good. Your life is good.

whoops. well you can always explain. (:


dude its not the nurse's fault. You don't start as a pro nurse, it takes time.

cucuto89 0

ydi for not opening your mouth and saying, "I was at the doctors" Use your words honey

recovering drug addicts are misconceived to lie and and its not that easy to try to explain when they storm out fucktard

standard procedure dictates that after she fails the second time, she should bring in a second person to attempt the drawing of blood. So it is her fault for being really bad at drawing blood.

zrhcrx 0

That really sucks, but give the nurse a break. People complain about student nurses having a hard time getting an IV started. They think it's because that nurse is just stupid, but never come to realize that starting an IV is really hard and can be harder if you don't have good veins, which you wouldn't since you use to use drugs.

the nurse wasn't bad. you have collapsed veins from years of shooting up. drugs do BAD things to your body you know

Hahaha that was funny. and I HATE getting the "nurses in training" when I get my blood taken. THEY ALWAYS mess up and have to get help from another one anyway! Then my arm hurts even more. ;( It makes the experience twice as bad.

beckyb 0

If you have terrible experiences with having blood taken, ask politely to have an experienced phlebotomist draw your blood. No one HAS to let a student give it a try. When I was being trained there were plenty of people who politely declined having me draw them for whatever reason.

janie197 0

Um, this wouldn't happen. You get a bandage over the site where your blood was taken so your fiance wouldn't be able to see how many puncture wounds there were...

You get a bandaid, which you can take off whenever you like really. It'd be easy to just take it off and for the fiance to see the puncture marks.

fmllolfml 0

Its not the nurses fault lol when someone is a drug addict its harder for even a trained nurse to find their vein. So, I would kind of say its your fault for being a drug addict in the first place that got you into this situation. Dont put the blame on others.

The OP didn't say anything about the nurse..the commenters did >_>

fmllolfml 0

read it again she called the nurse inexperienced just because she couldn't get the needle in her vein.

hey. it is not the nurse's problem. drug addicts' blood vessels are notoriously difficult.