By thanksfamily - 18/09/2012 11:22 - United States - Bethesda

Today, I got engaged. My family is already placing bets on how long it will take for my fiancée to "wise up and ditch" me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 325
You deserved it 2 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What's the pool at? 100 for an entry? Nah congratz with the engagement

Well why don't you "wise up and ditch them"?

You should bet with them and make a lot of cash!!

jayhawkchik 4

Is you're name Stacey Hoover? Cuz yeah, I got $50 bucks on 6 months.

Wow your family is horrible :// don't invite them to the wedding FYL

cool987654321 0

That's not right. Tell them if they keep it up, they won't be coming to the wedding. If that doesn't work out, prove them wrong and don't invite them to the wedding. :-)

stevo918 3
ohshitjens 5

Omgsh. That's just awful. No one should even select the 'you deserved it' button!