By Arp - 04/02/2012 20:46 - United States

Today, I got an early Valentine's day card. My boyfriend and I recently broke up, and my hopes shot up thinking it might be from him. It wasn't. It was from my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 207
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least their love in forever. Don't lose hope though, Cupid still has time!


desireev 17

OP, he is your ex for a reason. Your parents wanted to make you happy for the holiday. You should appreciate that! :)

mama2b3 20

That's true. Still I can see why this would upset you op. fyl but at least you have parents who love you.

GoW_Chick 14

I don't see why valentines day is such a big holiday, most people don't even know the history behind it... But it's cute that your parents sent you a card, so be happy they love you, and if you want to work out your problems with your ex and get back together, why not just talk to him and make the move yourself instead of waiting for him too, it could work out in your favor, or not, but at least you would have tried.

Well it like one of those useless holidays in this day and age like halloween, Martin Luther king day, Easter, queen Victoria day, Ramadan, Yom Kipur, Christmas is the the one I dislike the least Jesus was born in october not December but the Christians just but it around the winter soloist do pagens would convert easier...

I think ramadan and yom kippur are muslim and jewish holidays. Religion, get it?

I'm actually Islamic and I hate Ramadan but I always feel guilty when I eat so I fast and hate every minute of it...

Moop, not only did you make yourself look like an asshat by thumbing your own post up, you managed to bash three of the major human religions all in one fell swoop. Ramadan as you well know is a month of fasting that is intended to teach Muslims like you about patience, and humility among other things. Sounds like a pretty nice thing to me, and it sounds like you didn't get the message. Yom Kippur is the most holy day in the Jewish faith. It's the day of atonement when they repent for all of their past year's sins. Sounds like a good idea to me. Christmas is the celebration of Christians' lord and saviour's birth. Who the **** cares when they celebrate it? Americans don't celebrate Washington's birthday on his birth date, they celebrate it on President's Day. Nicely done, dumbass.

I do not thumb my own comments Further more I could go into deeper arguments but why bother I'll leave with this... Religion is regarded by the poor man true The wise man fake And the politicians useful...

flockz 19

all this religion.... i just can't.... no more..... *bursts into flames*

Moop, I'm not turning this into a religious debate. All I'm saying is that you insulted approximately 3.8 billion people with one ignorant comment.

GoW_Chick 14

Moop- I'm Catholic, and I can keep an open mind when it comes to peoples differing opinions on religion, everyone has their own arguments toward them, but to blatantly bash them for just the reason that you don't understand why people participate in these religions and celebrate their holidays is really rude, and makes you seem close-minded.

Shit, we lost flockz... We need an ambalance! (I know it's not spelled like that)

Way to ******* go you little shit. What the hell could have possesed you to insult approximately 3.4 billion people (Docbastard 50) to the point that you will literally be eaten alive by EVERYONE

Michael_92 20

@moop You really shouldn't bash on anyone and their religious beliefs. I personally don't believe in any of them however to sit there and be rude to other people because you think their wrong is stupid. Everyone has a right to believe in what they wish. This would be one of them times....think before you speak.

Oh moop, you try to bulldoze your religion and other religions, yet all you did was get your period and swim amongst us sharks. Look, people like you make me believe that you should just stop following a religion you don't believe in. Surprisingly, being forced to follow a religion makes you bitter, which is the complete opposite of any religion's purpose. It may be against my religion to tell you to leave your own, but you're not making a difference regardless.

On another note, how do you know if someone thumbs themselves up?

2ndSucks 15

Because they made a dumbass comment and somehow still received a thumbs up.

I literally laughed when she said "got your period and swam amongst us sharks "

sneakypeekaboo 8

Just what they say, your parents are there for you

iseyixes 18

Valentine's Day is no big deal. Get over it!

Yes, for you, but not to everyone. So telling someone to "get over it" after they broke up before the "lovey-dovey" valentines dat is sort of ****** up, IMO.

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

You, sir, are the Scrooge of Valentine's Day. I disapprove of this madness.

iseyixes 18

If my boyfriend waits for this day of the entire year to buy me flowers, candy, or whatever I would be more upset than if he did it randomly through the year. IMO doing it on V day is more of a because he has to rather than he wants to.

There is a reason he is your ex so try not to get your hopes up next time, even though it may be hard. At least your parents were there for you.

mama2b3 20

This is excellent advice in my opinion.

mama2b3 20

Sorry this was supposed to post under #16

You're lucky, You have such loving parents.