By Arp - 04/02/2012 20:46 - United States

Today, I got an early Valentine's day card. My boyfriend and I recently broke up, and my hopes shot up thinking it might be from him. It wasn't. It was from my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 207
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least their love in forever. Don't lose hope though, Cupid still has time!


nonamericandolla 6

That's why he's an ex! U should be happy ur parents care...

You have great parents, I hope you know that!

Aw at least they were thinking of you. Most parents on fml don't even care.

delilah09 6

At least you still get cards from your parents. One day you will miss that. My mom used to leave a heart shaped box of chocolates with a card on my bed every year on valentines day. I'd run home from school/work just to get to it and hug my mom : )

You mean that's not normal ? My mom lie to me

hopefully things will work in your favor.