By ScreweD- - 16/11/2015 21:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a writing assignment back. After meeting with my professor specially after class and meticulously combing through every word of that paper, I got a low D. Turns out, he graded me down on every suggestion of his that I took. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 155
You deserved it 2 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's really terrible teaching. I'm sorry op. What's the point of giving pointers if your not allowed to use them? I thought that was the point of "teaching"?

So he's trying to teach you to not learn from him? That's ridiculous...


amberdea404 28

He probably didn't want to "meticulously comb through every word" most professors like to give suggestions not fix your entire paper. There's peer editors to aid you in doing so.

Minus the meticulous combing part this has happen to me before and my teacher knew my whole grade was riding on that paper

Isn't that a violation of teaching? You should be able to appeal that ad get a higher grade

He probably wants you to actually think for yourself.

professor probably just wants you to do things yourself instead of just taking suggestions. especially in college, you've really gotta think things through by yourself or make suggestions your own. if you really just copied all his suggestions, your lucky you didn't fail for plagerism.

That's as bad as a teacher I had who constantly screamed at my classmates and I and wrote a fraction on the board of how many were failing! I'm sorry you got a teacher like that OP, if it's college I recommend getting out as soon as possible and ask for teacher who doesn't treat you like that next semester

Helldemon 32

I voted FYL but this would really depend on how many suggestions you used and what kind of suggestions they were.

tbrill 15

I guess he taught you a good lesson: not to trust him anymore.

Gotta love teachers. They do whatever the hell they want.