By Gumfanatic302 - 07/05/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I got a call from my child's preschool saying that "Mindy keeps saying she sits on her daddy's lap and plays with his peter." My daughter meant 'puter, as in computer. Now the school is worried my husband is a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 129
You deserved it 3 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aerials_fml 0

Ah, that's pretty funny. Pretty awkward too. FYL.


who the hell calls it a 'puter to begin with??

ryanski0123 0

he could be... you dont know

#74. She's in preschool. Kids don't always pronounce words with perfect diction. Stupid this is histarical

PierreChaqueJour 0

My family always said 'puter just for fun. My grandmother talks to my mom about what she does with her "peter" all the time. Conversely, we have never used the term "peter" to refer to a penis. I always felt bad for people named Peter.

asdfghjklEMMA 0
mcsnelly 5

This really sucks and I hope everything gets straightened out quickly. And people, the kids in preschool! of course she's not going to be able to pronounce everything correctly! And, although this does sometimes happen to good people who would never ever do anything like that to their child, think about how it looks from the teacher's point of view! If you had a little girl talking about playing with her dad's "peter" how would that look to YOU?? You might look at this example and think the school is going overboard, but they need to take the necessary precautions as if this were real because you honestly can't just assume it's not!

geesquared 0

@#2: FYL indeed. Sorry :( LOL on the kid though, let's hope its not real.

LMFAAAAO. Who in the right mind can click on the YDI button? You don't deserve this. :x

#52 is an asshole, just because she says things wrong doesn't mean she's a stupid shit. Most kids, no matter how much you emphasize good grammar, speak like that so shut up dick head.