By Inga44 - 23/07/2009 23:25 - United States

Today, I got a call from my boyfriend. He was at the police station for breaking into a model home to hook up with the girl he's been cheating on me with for the past 4 months. I was his one phone call. He was expecting me to bail him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 577
You deserved it 3 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just leave that retard in jail, hes an idiot for doing it in a model home


You should go tell him, okay I'm going, and go to the police station and then leave and flip him off :P

I really want to know if she bailed him out or not. Girl, please tell us the rest of the story!

not really an fml. more like one of the best storys today :D haha serves the dick right if he thinks your gonna bail him out

AntiChrist7 0

Next time, choose your boyfriend with more care. YDI

M13LO 0

Stop deleting/changing my thoughts and opinions i post. and like I said YDI for not doing what your master says.

How bout this..... Stop being a dumbass and your comments might stay up for more than 5 minutes

themixedt4pe 0

Maybe if you STFU or stop being a chauvinistic pig and a troll... Maybe. Until then, good luck with keeping your comments on the board. Also, a normal man is no woman's "master". A cheating bastard is only the master of his own bullshit, if he's lucky.

PrinceTwilight17 0

WHAT YOUR MASTER SAYS?! Are you kidding me? You deserve to be in jail as much as the boyfriend in the FML for thinking that!!

You did tell to **** off, didn't you? Didn't you?! **** him. Tell him to have fun picking up the soap in the shower.

no freaking way, let him have 3 hots and a cot

I really hope you let him stay in there...

This is a time for you to laugh at him and move on and find someone way better then him. It would suck that he cheater on you. But its better you found out now and his karma is getting put in jail.. I hope you didnt bail his sorry arse out.