By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I gave my wife of four years a special anniversary gift: a red rose dipped in liquid gold so that she would cherish and admire it forever. She told me it was too "Italian" looking. I now have a hundred dollar rose sitting in my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 249
You deserved it 6 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but your wife is an ignorant bitch.

boatkicker 4

aww. I'm sorry. that sucks. What does too "Italian" mean? whats wrong with italian looking things?


dawnie1001 0

My ex boyfriend got me one of these horrible things. I nicely pretended to like the effing thing and even stuck it on a table some where not too out of the way for display. When I found out he was sticking his dick in everything in town I gave it away. Gifts are useless if the giver is an ass.

ur wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is 1 big sad slutttttt and srsli needs to be shot in the face ungrateful ****. its probabli better den wot she got u. a picture of you's 2 framed lol FUKURLIFE

yuki1990 0

WTF is wrong with her, and so what if it does look "italian" you did it for her and then she acts like that....i wouldn't sit back and take it, i'd lie and say "fine i'll give it to my other love." and then give it to one of your friends or family members

rizzoy 0

That woman is crazy.. that is the sweetest thing ever.

tonia_fml 0

awe :[. that was really nice of you to get that for her. i'm sorry that she was a jerk

egads 0

Hey, Italians rock! As do their things. When I read this I thought it was a very sweet gift to give. Not your fault she is ungrateful. =]

muffinsareyummy 1

what the **** does she have against italians?

I fail to see anything Italian about this gift, but it's tacky. YDI for not knowing what is your wife's like after 4 years of marriage

beckiemarie 0

Uhm how is this tacky at all? Its gold! And a rose. She's obviously a bitch, so she's lucky that he gives her anything. Dude, find a better wife.

she got something against Italians? racist