By kaybax - 19/11/2011 11:42 - South Africa

Today, I gave my boyfriend the silent treatment. He put his Facebook status as "When your girlfriend finally shuts up for once". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 083
You deserved it 46 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The silent treatment never works! The guy just enjoys it, "Ah, that peaceful, noiseless girlfriend."

You kind of deserved it..why were you giving him the silent treatment anyway?



BadSuerte 0

You don't give them the silent treatment! That's rewarding them not punishing them! The silent treatment is when they are good--not bad!

I wouldn't stop talking from then on. What a dick

So your boyfriend doesn't understand the concept if complete sentences? I guess you don't, either...

Nyc__Princess 0

If you really want to punish him. TALK ! Talk about what you had for breakfast today or tell him about your menstrual cycle , just talk. & don't stop (;

caysters 12

Lol. Silent treatment won't work. Makes them too damn happy... Or they don't care. Or they don't notice... Now the no sex treatment... Unless you're horrible in bed, great punishment! Lol.

Yourheadache 19

When I get mad at my boyfriend. I talk to him about random things, the point is dont stop talking that is a real punishment.

Why didn't he post a full sentence? Did you interrupt him?