By other woman - 21/10/2013 16:42 - United States - Riverside

Today, I found out that when my boyfriend jokingly talks about his other girlfriend, he isn't actually joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 550
You deserved it 5 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should dump him and then "jokingly" pawn everything he has in your place.


There's always a little truth behind every just kidding. Don't sweat over it, on to the next!

In eighth grade, I got my first boyfriend. Towards the end of our relationship, we joked around like "I bet when you kiss me, you pretend it's your other boyfriend" and "You'd just rather hang out with your other girlfriend". My "other boyfriend" was pretend. His other girlfriend was real. And it sucks because I kinda saw it coming, but didn't acknowledge it at the time because I a brainless middle school scene kid at the time.

That's horrible, sorry you deserve better

ihearuscreamin 13

You should jokingly key his car

Funny, op, mine did the same thing today... Haha wonder if im the other woman?

monnanon 13

yeah the "other gf/bf" is a recurring joke with me and my husband too. i would be slightly more worried if we felt it was an area we couldnt joke about

Just make sure you use protection... I suggest mace! ;)

Sounds like you need to jokingly break up with him.

******* immature guys first of all. second, avoid guys like him from now on.