This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Jessica - 19/10/2023 16:25 - United States

Today, I found out that two kids were able to, without much effort, convince my 16-year-old daughter that her friend's house was used to smuggle out Jews during WWII. His house was built in 2007. We also live in America. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 040
You deserved it 3 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

It's sad how people will believe anything.

saransh 3

You better teach you daughter some history. And to be honest you will probably need to teach her whole lot of other subjects also


Lil_Mac1213 2

I don't think OP's daughter has a lack of education so much as common sense. Doesn't mean she's stupid, she just might not have thought it through.

Doesn't that make her stupid? If you don't have common sense then you are essentially a moron. Also, the OP wrote that the kids convinced the daughter without much effort.

Yet another ringing endorsement of the US education system.

How sad that schools can not capture the attention of out brain damaged future... I believe I will be moving to Iceland.

simplylost643 0

Am I the only one who's wondering why the daughters classmates knew enough about the holocaust to create a plausible lie about it, but the daughter did not? It seems that the kids did learn about it at some point, and the daughter just wasn't paying attention.

I think you should buy her some episodes of "mind of mencia"

It's understandable. I guess she only missed the ONE time her school must've talked about WWII. I mean, it's only once a year probably ;) haha

She's your daughter! Don't you teach her anything, yourself? YDI

Parents can't teach their kids everything.

#144, Parents can pay attention to what their kids are learning (eg, skim the textbooks, peek at their online materials, ask what new things they learned each day). Then, the parents can talk to the school and/or find supplemental materials when they find gaps.

Ya they can pay attention to that yet they still aren't going to be able to teach their kids everything. Is that too hard of a concept for you to understand?

xavierpineda2 4

lmao, love it!! At the same time I feel so bad for you having such a dumbass as a daughter.

hateevryone 14

Does she not pay any attention in school?