By Anonymous - 18/09/2010 04:21 - United States

Today, I found out that the cause of the recent pain in my chest was that I had a torn muscle. What caused this? I sneezed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 022
You deserved it 3 301

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

You can get an inguinal hernia from a sneeze! They measured the bladder pressure of people doing squats with heavy weights and sneezing. Sneezing developed TWICE the maximum pressure. When your body wants to expel mucus, it wants it the **** out of there!

lol I read something like that too. A buddy actually did get a hernia from sneezing. I think he'd already had problems but still.... Ouch.

i hope no one else was hurt by your sneeze

This isn't an FML, at least it wasn't a heart attack.

sampson83 0

to #28 i think that may be the Dumbest thing I've ever heard, could possibly rank #1 on my list!

yummycupcakegirl 0
you_freak 7

This is not a FML. So dramatic!!

my friend pulled a chest muscle when vomiting from too many cocktails once

rebelstargazer97 0

it happens. if you see a massage therapist, they can work on it if it's in the upper pecs region and give you stretches to help it.