By AlwaysGottaFML - 20/08/2011 07:26 - United States

Today, I found out that instead of being stationed in Afghanistan, my husband of 9 years has been "stationed" at his other girlfriend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 574
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste


You need to beat his pathetic, cheating arse

shorty17 0

he has more than one girlfriend?

jayellef 3

this same thing happened to my SIL, except she found out she was the other girl. he was in the military as well and told her that he was married but were divorced for a couple of years, and my SIL was happy they were planning on getting married and looking at houses together. I found out the truth and told her, I had to. your husband is an a**hole for doing this to you.

ItsApril 0

You could tell on him & get him kicked out of the military. Not sure if all branches will do that, but the AF will. Sorry this happened to you OP.

TheComputerGuy96 16

I think it's more like a "**** his life." Imagine how he felt when he got caught. However, unlike the poor wife, he deserved it.

What an ass. As long as you've stayed loyal to him these 9 years or whatever, you shouldn't have anything to bother you consciously. He's the one who did you wrong. But do make his life miserable. Karma's a bitch, right?

red1355 6

Wow that really sucks!!! Soo sorry to hear tht! I have been in for 14 years and thats a 1st for me! But some of the comments here really make me hate american women. All tey want is money!! My advice. Just move on and find a man that actally deserves YOU!

It's not the fact they want money...they want to screw him like he screwed around on her. Its called payback. And with most people money is the best way for some payback