By disfordiploma - 25/03/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I found out that I'm failing this semester because I've missed too many classes. I've missed the classes because I've been having panic attacks, a symptom of my anxiety disorder. I got the anxiety disorder because I was so afraid of failing school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 287
You deserved it 28 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smoke some weed. That will help with the anxiety. Also, realise that there is more to life then good grades. They help sure but they are not the be all and end all. And life really begins after you finish school. Not during.

Speak with your school's disability services. I've had the same thing happen to me before, and it ish totally not cool.


Since you're young im not going to recommend that you go to the doctor and ask for a bunch of pills. Most prescription pills that help you sleep make you dependent on them and you dont want that. Seriously, smoke a little marijuana, and go down to your local health food store and find a pill called Melatonin. It usually comes in 3mg capsules. The most amazing thing about melatonin is that it is a chemical your brain naturally produces, and some studies have shown that even 70mg wouldnt make you OD. I usually take two pills at 9pm, get in bed at 10:30, watch TV for a half hour and then im gone.

everyone is saying to take pills or smoke weed... but i go to a west coast ivy and make the dean's list every quarter with an anxiety disorder. yah i have xanax, but i haven't taken them in like 6 months. u can control a lot of anxiety through meditation, exercise, getting the proper sleep, etc. oh and... DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE one of it's little talked about side-effects is that one to two hours after drinking coffee you suffer from a spike in anxiety. just cutting out coffee has improved my life 1000%

exercise more, a glass of wine before you study to help you relax (helps a lot if you're a programmer like me), and hang out with supportive crowd. or you can try transfer to other college where the environment is not as stressful (small colleges usually are not as stressful as large universities).

alex_vik 0

Stop worrying then. Your worrying about failing is why you're failing.

Life is too short to worry about that stuff. If you learn to enjoy school instead of psyching yourself out you'll wind up doing better....Im assuming you are seeing a therapist if you are diagnosing yourself as having social anxiety disorder (although having dealt with a family member who has a severe case of it im telling you, just be happy you're strong enough to go out and deal with life), but talk to your therapist about an anti anxiety medication or meditation tools to help without medication. I hope you arne't just saying you have SAD. Its a sad thing to watch when someone has it... and can be dibilitating in life. Giving yourself anxiety and panic attacks over something doesn't necessarily mean you have SAD, it just means you're psyching yourself out. And if you do have it, i hoope you get help for it

mikeloyst - That isn't true. I have a prescription sleep aid that is anything BUT addictive. Rozerum. I highly recommend it. It helps you fall asleep naturally vs knocking you out and there are no drowsy side effects. You fall asleep and wake up like you would naturally... Ive had the same month prescription for like 5 months now because (now) i dont need tot ake it everyday. but yes, melatonin is a good over the counter... Since she is anxiety based (or he) I would actually recommend Valarian Root as a natural remedy. It helps you sleep and is a natural anti-anxiety med. Try that out and then see if you need sometihng more.

Really feel for ya there. That's one vicious circle that is tough to break. I went through almost the same thing,.... Went from having a solid 3.5 GPA, fell into depression after having some pretty bad turns in my life, and ended up getting kicked out of University of Michigan. I took some time off, and now I'm going back on my own terms- just a class at a time to build up my confidence until I have better habits.... and I'm keeping it a secret from my family because part of the reason I got so stressed out when my grades started slipping is that whole "my family is going to be so disappointed in me" thing.... The only person I have to worry about disappointing now is me. have you considered talking to a doctor about medication or other therapies? I hated the idea of going on meds, but I only had to be on them about 6 months before I felt like I had things back under my control enough to go without. It's not the easiest thing, but a friend put it to me this way: If you *could* fix this by yourself, you would already have fixed it.

Oof, that blows hard. Most schools provide free counseling. I wasn't aware that attendance was part of the class grade though. For the one class that I have that takes attendance, it's worth 5%, far south of a value large enough to change a passing grade to a failing grade. Hell, in my university, most professors don't even bother learning names. I have one professor that calls all the girls "Sally" and all the guys "Bill". Either way, that situation is hardcore suck. Best of luck in resolving it.

thats bullshit, you coudl have had a doctors note

throwing_bricks 0

nobody knows how to calm down anymore, half the shit people put themselves through is self induced