By Anonymous - 12/09/2014 21:36 - United States - New York

Today, I found out my fiancée's been cheating on me. Her excuse? Her ADHD made her do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 805
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste


nitrog100 21

I hate to be that guy, because it's so cliché, but you mean ex-fiancée, right?

Tell her ur CTTBD (compulsion to throw bitches disorder) made u dump her.

People who cheat are heartless with no courage to just simply end a relationship cause they don't to "hurt you" but they don't realize it's better to end a relationship knowing y'all tried then finding out the others a scumbag.

Okay, so my stepfather cheated on my mother. She was going to leave him, and he went to therapy. Turns out he had undiagnosed adhd which caused a shitload of mental problems, and in short caused the infidelity. He's on treatment now and a totally different person.

skittyskatbrat 19

Problem is, this is diagnosed and she had at least a few minutes to think her actions through and not do it. It isn't undiagnosed. She is an adult and is aware that she has to think harder about repercussions than others do.

Being aware of it means nothing if she doesn't know how to control it. I'm not giving her a free pass, but considering we don't actually know these people or their actual conditions, I guess it's not our place to judge, eh?

No. Cheating is always a choice. As someone who has faced that choice many times, you either choose 'yes' or 'no.'