This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By kingoftwats - 07/04/2016 06:47 - United Kingdom - Stockport

Today, I found out my fiancé is cheating on me when we went to Harry Potter World in London and he gave her name whilst buying tickets instead of mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 678
You deserved it 813

Top comments

Avada Kedavra And like that, your problem is solved

That's quite a leap in logic going from "He used a different name than mine" (possibly just by accident) and "He's cheating". There's definitely more to this story.


Avada Kedavra And like that, your problem is solved

A07 48

Maybe a bit of Crucio, depending on the circumstances..

How did that big of a Harry Potter fan score 2 girls in the first place?!?!

MasterTron 24

The wingardium leviosa spell

A07 48

#3 you wouldn't know, you're a squib

11, Nah, more like full-blown Muggle. Probably related to the Dursleys.

No #10, not wingardium leviosa, Accio is the summoning spell


#17 idky you're being thumbed down. maybe it's because you said leviosuh instead of levioSAH, it is a bit tricky. but for real that's to make stuff float so has nothing to do with getting another woman.

That's quite a leap in logic going from "He used a different name than mine" (possibly just by accident) and "He's cheating". There's definitely more to this story.

I think it came out after, but the cause was saying the wrong name.

shepardkinz 19

Well, if your special someone gave another's name when buying tickets to something, wouldn't you ask who that person is and why they said it? The guy probably owned up to his mistake, or denied it and created a mess.


if I'm out with my bf and he accidentally calls me a name that isn't his relatives or an ex (if it's a recent break up) I'm def. going to go secret agent on him and find out why.

Teach him a lesson by smashing him into the wall that leads to Platform 9 3/4.

Guess you could say you guys aren't sirius anymore. Sorry, but seriously thats pretty hagrid.

hellobobismyname 24

I still laughed at how bad those puns were. "That's pretty Hagrid." Wow.. :P

Lt_Senpai 21

How could you cheat on a girl who likes Harry Potter? I love nerdy girls because I am one. Lol

Lt_Senpai 21

My bad. This comment is worded wrong. I'm actually a guy lmao

Imperio and make him break up with her

You don't know, maybe he is cheating her with you?

Does it matter? He's still a cheater.

Isn't that worse? Being the "other woman". No but really, it doesn't ******* matter. Cheaters are the worst type of people. Btw, if this is your logic, I feel sorry for you. You clearly don't see the point.

Did he say he was cheating? Simply saying a name doesn't mean he's cheating.