By footyfallout - 16/08/2009 05:17 - Canada

Today, I finished writing the most perfect love letter for this girl at summer school. At the end of the letter I signed: Your secret admirer. Cute, right? Not really. Turns out I was so anxious to finish the letter that I ended up writing my name at the bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 144
You deserved it 53 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Randomguy16 0

That's not necessarily a bad thing

Glam_fml 0

Well now she knows that YOU actually like her. What is the point of writing a love letter if the person will never know who it is from? It seems stupid to me.


"Cute, right?" No. Not at all. You saved your letter by accidentally writing your name, otherwise it'd just be completely retarded.

Just because someone decides to write a romantic love letter doesn't mean they are retarded. I'm wondering if you are though. It's 'you're', not 'your'. and 'Summer' not 'sumer'. Maybe you should apply for Summer School.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Not everyone starts in september and gets out in June. I start in august and get out in may

triplethreat13 0

to all prior and future comments regarding summer school: it's not always for school failures. summer school is often used for high school or college preparation. to all prior and future comments regarding letters being creepy: i'm a huge romantic, and if a love letter is written correctly with no hints of stalking, it's very sweet. you just have to know what to look for to see if it's sincere and innocent. to the OP: if the girl was worth it, she would find it funny that you wrote your name, and she would be touched by the letter whether she likes you or not.

SunshinePants 0

RE: 34, Love letters aren't creepy, but anonymous love letters are. Then again, it would depend on what the letter said.

"Secret Admirer" only works for surprise gifts, like having flowers sent to her, or planting a mix tape in her locker. The love letter should be a follow-up, signed "Your secret admirer, Charles" - when you've built the suspense enough that she'll be touched and ecstatic no matter WHO the admirer was, and you're ready to let her know it's you. I really should teach a class.

oh god forbid! you may actually have a chance now. freakin' end of the world kid.

What's the FML? That it might work? Are you afraid that she might be so moved by your beautiful expression of true emotion that she might want to **** your brains out? Your life is ******, indeed! I suppose rejection is better for you. If you want to win, sometimes you have to stick it out there!

lmao cute funny hilarious lls. when my ex wrote his first love letter to me he said he had written and re-written the letter 6 times to get it right. and he still had things crossed out. lls it was cute

Topguy 0

it's alrite I bet she'll thinks it's even cuter. the first time I called my gf I left message and forgot to leave my name and number. she thought it was really cute that I was that nervous.