By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I finished my SAT and was feeling pretty good about it. I decided to turn on my phone, since it was on silent. As the guy was collecting our tests, my phone vibrated a little. My score was cancelled. It was a text from my mom reminding me to turn off my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 390
You deserved it 88 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you ever, ever turn your phone on when still in the room? You deserve that twice.

you deserve that sooo much...they repeat over and over again DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING, is it that hard to be away from your cell phone for two seconds in order to take one of the most important tests of your academic life??


oh and all the people who are like omg you don't need to be glued to your cell phone. it doesn't rly sound like he's that kinda guy or girl cuz the only text was from MOM

dude, those are the rules!! YDI and you might want to find the actual "silent" setting on your phone, genius.

Woow. Even I was smart enough to actually TURN MINE OFF and Wait until I was OUTSIDE to turn it back on. Way to go moron.

Angelol_fml 0

I was waiting for an FML like this to happen. Haha, well show the guy that it's your mom, call your mom and maker her tell the teacher that she douched up your test.

YES THEY DO DESERVE IT #2. They say COUNTLESS times to turn cell phones off from the point you receive the test until the point you TURN IT IN. you're such an idiot, why wouldn't you wait 2 more minutes? you sat through 4 hours of testing to blow it like that and now you have to do it again.

YES THEY DO DESERVE IT, #2!!!! They say COUNTLESS times to turn your cell off from the point you receive the test until the point you TURN IT IN. you're such an idiot, you couldn't wait 2 more minutes?? You just sat through 4 hours of testing to ruin it like that, and guess what? Now you have to do it again.

HEYbitch_fml 0

YDI completely. I took them yesterday too, and they told us about a thousand times to keep our phones off. Even if you were going to turn it on, WHY THE HELL would you do it while your test is still on the desk in front of you? Seriously, if you're that much of an idiot then I don't think you should have been feeling confident about your scores in the first place, cause you must've gotten like an 800 if you're that stupid.

wow. you deserve that so, so much. dumbass.